Patient Rights & Responsibilities

At Preveon Specialty our patients have the following rights and responsibilities regardless of race, color, culture, language, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, and/or veteran status:

Patients have the right to:

Respect and Privacy
  • Have personal information shared with the patient management program only in accordance with State and Federal Law.
  • Patients will get respect in a caring and safe place.
  • Be informed of client/patient rights under state law to formulate an Advanced Directive, if applicable.
  • Confidentiality and privacy of all information contained in the client/patient record and of Protected Health Information (PHI).
  • Patients will have their property and person treated with respect, consideration, dignity, and individuality.
  • Patients will be free from mistreatment, neglect, or verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, including injuries of unknown source, and mistreatment of client/patient property.
  • Patients will be fully informed in advance about care/service to be provided, including the disciplines that furnish care and the frequency of visits, as well as any modifications to the plan of care.
Quality Care
  • Patients will be given medication education and pharmacist consultations on services being provided. Patients will be informed of any changes to the Patient Management Program as well as any changes to their Plan of Care.
  • Patients will be given appropriate care, without discrimination, according to their provider’s orders.
Information & Communication
  • Patients will know the names and roles of those caring for them. Patients will be able to identify visiting staff members through proper identification.
  • Patients will have the right to speak with a supervisor.
  • Patients will be fully informed of one's responsibilities.
  • Patients will have the right to speak with a health professional.
  • Patients will be communicated with in a language and method they can understand.
  • There will be communication between the patient’s provider and Preveon Specialty to manage their medication needs.
  • Patients will be encouraged to participate in the development and periodic revision of their plan of care.
  • Patients have the right to be informed in advance, both orally and in writing, of care being given, options, health status, benefits, risks, recommended treatments, treatment charges including payment for care/service expected from third parties, and any charges for which the client/patient will be responsible. Patients will also be informed of any financial benefits when referred to an organization.
  • Patients have the right to know about the goals and details of the Patient Management Program including the benefits and limitations of the program.
  • Patients may obtain information about the status of their medication and options.
  • Patients will be informed of Preveon Specialty’s policies and procedures regarding the disclosure of clinical records.
Make Decisions
  • Patients have the right to refuse care or treatment after the consequences of refusing care or treatment are fully presented.
  • Patients have the right to choose a caregiver, someone who can speak on their behalf when the patient is not available.
  • Choose a healthcare provider, including an attending physician, if applicable.
  • Patients have the right to opt-out of Preveon Specialty’s patient management program services upon written or verbal request and be informed of their options at any time.
  • Patients may reinstate into Preveon Specialty services upon request.
  • Patients may freely voice complaints without fear of unfair treatment and know that their complaints about treatment or care that is (or fails to be) given, or lack of respect of property will be fully investigated.
  • These complaints include any violations involving mistreatment, neglect, verbal, physical, or sexual abuse by anyone giving services on behalf of Preveon Specialty.
  • Patients may voice grievances/complaints about the treatment or care or lack of respect of property, or recommend changes in policy, personnel, or care/service without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal.

Patients have the responsibility to:

Give Information

Patients should give information to the best of their knowledge, including accurate information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medication(s), alternative therapy, and other matters relating to their health. Patients should also give accurate contact information.

Share Information

Patients should notify their treating provider about being in the Patient Management Program.

Share Expectations

Patients should share their expectations and satisfaction with the organization.

Ask Questions

Patients should ask questions when they do not understand the care, treatment, services, and/or what they are expected to do.

Follow Instructions

Patients should follow instructions about their care, treatment, or services. They should also express any concerns about their ability to follow the instructions. Patients should submit any forms that are needed to participate in the program, to the extent required by law, including properly maintaining any equipment provided.

Accept Consequences

Patients should accept their share of responsibility for the outcomes of care, treatment, or services if they do not follow the instructions given.

Follow Policies and Procedures

Patients should follow Preveon Specialty’s policies and procedures.

Show Respect and Consideration

Patients should be considerate of Preveon Specialty’s staff and property, as well as other patients and their property. Abusive behavior or language and threats are not tolerated.

Report Changes

Patients should report any changes regarding their health or form of contact. This includes, but is not limited to, changes in insurance, contact information, and primary provider information.

Report Concerns

Patients should notify the pharmacy of any concerns about the care or services given.

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